Home / Funny / Animals / Photographer Captures Perfect Moment a Tiny Squirrel Smells a Flower


Animals have proven that they can get into trouble, be cute or just plain weird when they think nobody is watching. But have you ever thought how small animals see the world? 

Photographer Dick van Duijn gave some insight on some adorable animals and what they are up to by sharing his charming wildlife photography. In his series of photos, there was one moment which stood out and which soon went viral. The adorable photo shows a ground squirrel appearing totally in the moment as it hugs the flower to smell the sweet scent of a flower. 

Photographer Captures Perfect Moment a Tiny Squirrel Smells a Flower 2

The adorable scene looks like nothing we have ever seen before, and as if little squirrels can get any more cute. Van Duijn was clearly in the right place at the right time to capture this cute squirrel photo which is not seen everyday. 

But it doesn’t stop there, his amazing photos also reveals several other little thing there creatures enjoys and appreciates in the world. Several more of his images show the creatures as they enjoy the sunny weather. To take his latest series of photos, van Duijn and a photographer friend had to travel to Vienna where they caught sight of the ground squirrels and flowers just before sunset.  “I didn’t expect the photos to become so popular all over the world.”

Photographer Captures Perfect Moment a Tiny Squirrel Smells a Flower 3

Van Duijn started his photography journey eight years ago and over the course of his work he has captured several sorts of scenes ranging from portraits to sports to special events. However after trying the different types of photography, van Duijn came to find that he has a special place and love for nature and animals.

He learned a lot about snapping the right picture on a camera. 

He found that the trick is all about reading the animal. “Sometimes you can photograph the animals from very close, like the foxes I photograph near my hometown. They are used to people and come very close to you.” 

But it is not always as easy as it may seems and sometimes there are times you’ve got to be much sneakier. “The birds and red squirrel photos are taken from hides in the woods. The animals who show up in front of those hides can’t see you and they are only a few meters away from you.”

In addition to squirrels, van Duijn has mastered the art of photographing other adorable animals in the wild.

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