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Many of us used to build sand castles with our families during the summers at the beach. However, did you realise that it could be a career as well? Sculptor Janel Hawkins finds it a rewarding way to continue her creative endeavours, share joy, and instruct others. She is the creator of Sand Castle University in Alabama, where she instructs eager students on the Gulf Coast in all the skills required to produce breathtaking sand sculptures. She also spends her days creating personalised sand art on the beach.

Hawkins enjoys getting lost in the details, whether he's designing buildings or animals. She must also stay alert as she meticulously presses and carves the wet sand. In her outdoor art studio, anything can happen, including inclement weather and creative blockages. However, she also loves working with these variables to create these fleeting sculptures, which is one of the reasons she likes to impart her knowledge.

 She told media outlet, My Modern Met, "Sand sculpting has real-world applications." "After learning the fundamentals, you must practice, practice, practice. Have no fear of failing. Making mistakes is a sign of a sincere attempt.

Hawkins saw a job posting on Craigslist and decided to pursue her dream of becoming a sand sculptor while still a college student. In 2017, she opened Sand Castle University to follow her passion after gaining the necessary skills. Her business is growing, and she now employs an administrative assistant in addition to five instructors.

She's also refining her own abilities in the interim. She tackled dragon sculpture for the first time last year when she sculpted Mushu, the endearing dragon from Mulan by Disney. It took a lot of time and patience to get all the details of the pointy teeth and scales, but it was ultimately worthwhile. "It was something to be proud of when I stood back after finishing—everything came together—the sand was perfect, the weather was perfect!”
She enjoys taking on new challenges every day, whether they are personal projects or commissions for festivals, birthdays, proposals, or business events. As she pursues her prosperous career, she wants to demonstrate that sand sculpting can be both a creative and profitable career option for anyone wishing to spend some time at the beach and get away from screens.

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