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You likely studied Pangea, sometimes written as Pangaea, the ancient supercontinent that was home to the first dinosaurs. A process known as continental drift started to move parts of the land apart about 200 million years ago. The continents moved to their present positions by splitting apart and riding the tectonic plates. However, the surface of Earth is dynamic. The Himalayas are rising a little bit every year as a result of the continents' ongoing, slow movement. In fact, according to current scientific estimates, the continents will reunite to form a supercontinent in roughly 250 million years.

This supercontinent could morph into multiple distinct regions. An equatorial continent forms in the Aurica scenario. The continents would meet at the North Pole to form Amasia, with Antarctica remaining at the South Pole. The Pacific Ocean close to Novopangea. The continents of Pangea Ultima, also known as Proxima, converge around a tiny sea or ocean. Pangea Proxima refers to "the next pangea," evoking a state of affairs similar to that of prehistory. Pangea Ultima will "due to changes in volcanic rifting and outgassing... [and] solar energy... and continentality (larger range in temperatures away from the ocean) lead to increasing warming hostile to mammalian life," per a recent paper published in Nature Geoscience.

"Will probably lead to a climate tipping point and their mass extinction," write the authors in their conclusion.

Even though this mass extinction is horrifying, when you look at history over millions of years, you have to admit that this is how things naturally happen. The Earth will eventually be exposed to more radiation because the Sun will only get hotter as the star ages. Similar events led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, though in their case, volcanoes and asteroid impacts also played a role.

"It could end up looking a lot like Pangea did when the dinosaurs roamed around," supercontinent expert Hannah Davies stated to Mashable. "Throughout Earth's history, there may be six or seven supercontinent cycles." 

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