Home / Funny / Animals / How a Carnivorous Plant Became The Toilet For a Small Animal


A fascinating fact about the carnivorous pitcher plant was shared by Wild Life. Apparently, while it can be harmful to some, it can also gently open its lid, allowing the tiny tree shrew to enjoy its sweet nectar. It also keeps its lid open so the small mammal can regularly use it as a toilet. In this symbiotic relationship, the plant receives the necessary fertilisation while the tree shrew enjoys a tasty treat.

"Look this plant is slowly opening its lid. Doesn’t it look very much like your toilet? …This plant is the famous pitcher plant. …every morning this tree shrew comes to visit them sweet juice seeps out of the fuzz on the lid of the pitcher plant. this is the tree shrew's favourite dessert…in exchange for free food it decides to leave something behind …. this is actually what the pitcher plant wants."

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