Home / Funny / Viral / The Sweet Moment Nobel Prize Winner Drew Weissman Call His Parents To Share The News


For some people, there is nothing better than feeling proud of their parents. For immunologist Drew Wisseman, calling his parents when he accomplishes something is a must, even at age 64. The doctor just shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine with Catalin Carrico for the development of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine that has saved millions of lives around the world. And now a heartwarming video has been posted online of him calling his parents and telling them the news. In the video, Wiseman, accompanied by his wife Mary Ellen, calls his parents, who are in their 80s.

"Hello, It's your son," he said, sounding a little nervous. "You're not kidding," her mother joked, unsure of what would happen next. After confirming that her father is there and listening, he announces that he wants to share some news with them. "I won the Nobel Prize," he announced, and his parents responded with excited squeals before congratulating him. “Oh, God! I don’t know what to say. He’s ready to hit the ground,” his mother says. Wiseman and Carrico first published their findings on mRNA in 2005, but their work received little attention at the time. His mother probably knows her son's path to the Nobel Prize, and she will remember her son's desire to win the award. "You always said, 'No, that's never going to happen,' and you did it! And you're so young!" Wiseman is already over 60 years old. Nevertheless, she said proudly. “You are a  product of our minds, Drew,” he says. His mother then ended the conversation by saying, "Congratulations, you deserve it." 

Weiss had a gentle smile on her face throughout the conversation, clearly happy to be able to tell his parents. This isn't the first time Wiseman has made it a priority to call her. When it was announced in November 2020 that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on which his results were based was highly effective, he immediately called to let him know. After all, the bond between Wiseman and his parents is a testament to the passage of time and the growth of their children. But many parents are always excited to hear about our successes, big or small. After all, no matter how old you are, your parents will always be your parents. Who wouldn't be happy to make them proud? 

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