Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: Despair And Darkness Takes Over When The Internet Is Down


The world has become reliant on the internet. It has become a source of sanity for most people and the only place to seek the answers you are looking for. Restaurants are no longer filled with loud conversations but rather the silent scrolling through social media and face-to-face interactions are a thing of the past. But what happens when the internet fails humanity?

Chaos ensues and people lose their minds! People are forced to interact and we just watch the world burn, feeling hopeless and empty. I mean, imagine having to walk to a light switch to turn on the light instead of just asking Alexa to do it for you. Those who rely on the internet for work rejoice a bit on the inside because they are hopeful that it will mean they can go home.

A life without a streaming video of a cat playing the piano is not a life we want to live!

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