Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: James Corden Just Made Tinder So Much More Awkward Than It Already Is!


Tinder is one of the most popular dating sites that is literally only based on how the person looks. You get barely any context on the person at all except for their pictures, age, location and a very short autobiography. You, of course, get those wonderful people who take the opportunity to only show a picture of their abs from 5 years ago despite the fact that they just aren't there anymore. The duck face girls who are determined to show enough cleavage for a porn site.

All in all, dating can be difficult, awkward and just painful. No one wants to be lonely so we endure such pains in the hope that we will find someone special.

James Corden, with the help of Chelsea Handler, took the liberty of helping out one of his single employees, Tiffany, to find a plus one for all of the upcoming parties. Not just ordinary Tinder – LIVE Tinder. And, if that wasn't awkward enough, he handpicked a bunch of men who were made to stand in front of a cardboard cut out that looks like Tinder. If she swiped left, they had to jump into a ball pit and leave, if right, they were able to take a seat with the promising opportunity of a date.

The second round of three finalists allowed Tiffany to ask a couple of questions and choose one of the three for an actual date held on set.  I'm not even sure they would have the balls for this if their boss didn't choose them!

Check out the video and let us know how do you feel about live Tinder?

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