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Look, no woman is going to run to a man but you know... if he has eight-pack abs a girl might power walk!

Being fit and having a toned body is always desired by both sexes, and there is no doubt that it's also good to look at, but there is also a point at which it becomes... grossly unattractive and almost cartoon-like.

Yes, Popeye downed his spinach and grew biceps that could stop a speeding truck but in the real world, no one wants their arms to look like a balloon animal!

Being a strong independent woman is sexy but being a strong independent orange Niknak looking woman... not so much. The men and women in these videos went so far that they actually damaged their bodies permanently. It's really not normal to have a bicep so big that it explodes... lets be real!

If you look like you can pick up a monster truck but might have a heart attack walking up a flight of stairs, you may need to reconsider your gym routine.

Check out these people who went way to far pumping the iron!

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