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Video: The Most Important Video To Watch If You Travel! 2

Video: The Most Important Video To Watch If You Travel! 3

In many foreign countries (i.e. not the West), it is common to find that most toilets will be of the squat type. Unless you are sticking to the major tourist locations, you are bound to be confronted by one of these upside down urinal things. Then panic strikes, your thighs cramp and. well, pee goes everywhere – so they end up not being the most sanitary toilets.

But fear not! This extremely hilarious video acts as an Idiots Guide To Use A Squat Toilet. As it turns out, it doesn't need to be so traumatic after all!

First things first, you have to get your squat right. Believe it or not, you actually don't need iron-man like strength to use one of these toilets. Unless you have a butt that could put Kim K to shame, you can actually squat all the way down, resting your legs. if you do have a Kim K butt, we are truly sorry. Next, pull your pants ALL the way down. Yes, it is a confronting feeling having your butt fully out but things will fall in the toilet and unlike a wishing well, we are pretty sure you don't want to be fishing things out. The last and most important tip – Hover and don't touch anything!

Check out the video below.

Have you had any hilarious experiences with these loos, what's your squat toilet technique?

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