Home / Entertainment / Wtf / Video: Why Love Is Actually A Useless Word


The word "love" is thrown around way too quickly, way too easily and way too casually these days. It is a minimal word we have for the affectionate emotions we feel for people – and most relationship problems stem from the emptiness of our vocabulary to describe these feelings!

Because, what does it really mean to "love" someone? Is it measurable? 

And there are so many different kinds of love that we feel in different kinds of relationships we have in our lives – partners, friends, family and interests.

So, when you think about it, it does seem a little silly to have only one word to describe a wave of different emotions that we feel towards people!

Luckily, the Ancient Greeks had a way with words, and a more complicated vocabulary we can borrow some words from... 

So, the next time you want to express how you feel about someone or something, and "love" just doesn't do the trick, use some of these alternatives instead!

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