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Adorable Keanu was rescued from an industrial warehouse when he was just a little kitten. His mother Dani Baker, was employed at the warehouse at the time and decided to take little Keanu in. At first he was very shy, but he quickly came out of his shell, and is now one of  the friendliest cat around. 

Baker explained, “He is cautious for the first five seconds he meets someone, then he is instantly their best friend. When he’s not hiding, Keanu likes finding lizards and leaving them (alive and physically unharmed) in his dad’s shoes, gym bag, work bag, etc.” 

Adorable Cat Is So Convinced That His Hiding Skills Are Super Good 2

Even though adorable Keanu has grew to be very outgoing, he still enjoys one of his favourite hobbies which is hiding wherever he can fit to be able to observe things in peace. Keanu seems to believe that he is an expert in hiding and that no one will be able to spot him, however, the truth is that his skills still needs some more work. 

"He hides in different spots. He gets creative depending on the furniture around. But it’s always in the room where his dad is. We joke that Keanu is always spying or keeping a watchful eye on his dad.” 

Keanu never seems to amaze when it comes to the fun spots he finds to hide, whether it’s under a table or the open dishwasher. Even though his family can still see him in some of his hiding spots, it became clear to them that little Keanu hasn’t realised that yet and believes that he is totally concealed every single time. “He thinks we absolutely can not see him. We call to him (and he normally meows back) but when he’s hiding he doesn’t respond. Even if we tap his feet to let him know we see him, he won’t move.” 

Keanu is definitely not planning on stopping his sneaky reputation. Even though his family can still see him when he is apparently hiding,  he thinks they can’t, and that’s all that matters. 

Sometimes he hides because he wants a quick private nap, sometimes it’s so he can watch his family eat and sometimes he just wants to keep an eye on everything uninterrupted. One of Keanu’s new favourite hiding spots is under the Christmas tree, where off course his family can still spot him. Keanu really loves to hide and his family really loves to laugh at his adorable attempts at hiding, so it all works out in the end.

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