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Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 2

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 3

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 4

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 5

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 6

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 7

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 8

Video: Picture Perfect Locations To Become Insta-famous 9

Who doesn't love to post a good selfie or even boast about something exciting once in a while? If you are an Instagram fiend the listen closely.

If you ever find yourself in London or New York, these are some of the spots you have to go to so you can post that legendary holiday pic that may even be profile pic worthy! Not only is the lighting fantastic, the decor is unbelievable, surrounded by so many bright colours that will make your Insta photo stand out from the rest! Not to mention some delicious food spots are included here as well – because what is a holiday without eating your entire weight in food?

It just goes to show that you don't need to climb to the top of a mountain to take a beautiful picture. Beauty can be found anywhere if you look carefully enough!

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