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Normal household items such as paper clips are usually junk piling up in drawers, however for artist Adam Hillman, this items are far more special as they make perfect materials for creating visually soothing, colorful arrangements.

Hillman also goes by “Object Arranger,” however his works is more than just positioning items neatly in designs. 

Artist Recreates Historical Paintings Using Objects Such As Paper Clips 2

Hillman makes use of paper clips, coins, toothpicks, edible ingredients, and more interesting objects to create visually striking art from well known artists. Many of his works are non-representational patterns, but some of his recent creations were inspired by famous paintings from art history.

Artist Recreates Historical Paintings Using Objects Such As Paper Clips 3

Each iconic artwork is reimagined in Hillman’s playful style varying from Van Gogh’s Starry Night to Picasso’s Guernica. In one work, the innovative artist uses broken bits of cereal to recreate one of Van Gogh’s self-portraits. In another creation using  colored paper clips, Hillman recreated the famous paint strokes of Edvard Munch’s The Scream. 

Each colorful composition represents the magnificent skills and work of the original pieces and their expressive quality. Each hand-placed object made acts as an expressive brushstroke or stippled dot in a pointillism painting.

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