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Video: The Pink Tax That Is Robbing Women 3

Video: The Pink Tax That Is Robbing Women 4

Video: The Pink Tax That Is Robbing Women 5

Ladies and Gentleman, its time to get real about pink tax and drop some wisdom on a Wednesday. There has been a video circulating on social media explaining the concept of pink tax and how it has existed for ages. In case you have been living under a rock, pink tax is basically the extra amount women are charged for certain products or services just because they supposedly cater to women or at least claim to be catering to women.

One of the most ridiculous examples in the video was the exact same brand and size of female deodorant cost more than male deodorant (despite the fact we probably need less of it).

So how bad can it be? Well, overall, women are paying more than men 42% of the time. More specifically:

  • 7% more for toys and accessories
  • 4% more for children’s clothing (So the pink tax starts from birth)
  • 8% more for adult clothing
  • 13% more for personal care products
  • 8% more for senior/home health care products

Old Navy sold the plus-sized women’s jeans at R12-15 more than the standard sized ones. But with no difference between the prices of men’s plus and regular sized jeans. Let's not even get started on "personal care products" that price tampons and pads as a luxury item... because women can't wait to get their period,right?

Cosmopolitan SA published many articles arguing that sanitary products should be classified as zero-rated basic items rather than luxury non-essentials and launched a petition that’s being lodged with Parliament and the Department of Women. Cosmopolitan SA is hoping to get the government to seriously debate how period poverty can be ended before the end of 2018.

Nas Daily vlogger, Dear Alyne, uploaded a video explaining the concept which absolutely exploded with thousands of people (not just women) commenting on the unfairness and inequality of the tax. Check out the video and let us know what you think!

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