Home / Funny / Animals / Guy Finds Random Cat Chilling In His Small Trash Bin


When you live alone without an animal you get use to the peace and quiet, knowing that everything will be exactly as you left it when you get back especially animal free as it was before. But, what if you come back to something that wasn’t suppose to be there?

This happened to Peter who just finished setting up the room he just moved in to. Feeling pretty good, Peter stepped out for five minutes and went back to his room which he expected will be just as he left it a few minutes ago, which it was sort off. When he walked into the room a cat was sitting cozy in his trash bin.

Only been gone for a few minutes and no way for the little fur ball to have walked passed him, Peter realised the sneaky cat must have snuck in through the window. 

After some investigating trying to figure out who this adorable cat is, he found out that the cat’s name was Zuko. Zuko belongs to the landlord who also stays on the property. Little Zuko seemed very surprised when Peter walked in as though he wasn’t expecting to find that someone had suddenly moved into his hang-out spot. 

“Apparently, the room used to belong to Zuko, so the landlord rented out Zuko's room (I assume without permission).” 

But Zuko clearly isn’t bothered by the new tenet and decided that he was going to keep using the room and the new tenant was just going to have to deal with it.

Peter’s mom added, “Zuko tries to keep sneaking in, so my son locks his bedroom at night because he goes to work early and doesn't want to lock Zuko in accidentally.”

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