Home / Funny / Viral / Texas Restaurant Shares Hilarious Posts Everyday On Their Sign To Lift Spirits


Many people know the struggle living in lockdown. In order to try and help their community, many businesses are trying to spread a little joy in their communities. For example, Tex-Mex restaurant El Arroyo has become an internet sensation with its funny and whimsical sign. Updated daily, the Austin-based company's witty messages appeal to locals and online fans alike. 

The nostalgic sign of the marquee  has been around since El Arroyo's inception in 1975 and remains an integral part of the site's playful character. Visitors can expect a brand new note on the sign every day. 

Texas Restaurant Shares Hilarious Posts Everyday On Their Sign To Lift Spirits 2
Texas Restaurant Shares Hilarious Posts Everyday On Their Sign To Lift Spirits 3

El Arroyo has ridiculed many different subjects in the past, but of late the quirky restaurant has been trying to find  solace in its COVID-19 lockdown, just like the rest of us.

Though their dining experience is temporarily closed, El Arroyo is still updating their Instagram with daily glimpses of life in quarantine. One sign reads, "My hands consume more alcohol than my mouth," and another reads, "I need to practice  social distancing from the fridge."

Paige Winstanley, co-owner of El Arroyo, explained, "In these times when so much is unknown, El Arroyo finds solace in bringing smiles and laughter to our community every day." 

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