Home / Entertainment / Wtf / Video: Crazy Beauty Products That Women Are Actually Spending Money On


Time and time again, we have been seeing recent beauty products for women that we can only describe as being absolutely certifiably nuts. 

It almost seems as if the cosmetic industry has run out of ideas... and the new products they are coming up with are crazy weird.

Wavy lips and eyebrows? Facials using your own blood? What is actually happening to this world?

But the strangest part of it all is this: people are actually using these products. And the first time we see a new, strange product invention for women, our first question is this: are these women actually spending their money on this garbage?

The answer: yes, they are. Even though we have no idea why.

Companys are now making products to fix minor "problems" that women face... Like the Tata Towel for women to hand around their necks, hold up their breasts and wait for their body to dry before giving their breasts the freedom they deserve.

I mean, what women have that much sweat going on under their boobs that someone had to create an entirely new towel specifically for boobs?

It's madness – mostly because, as ridiculous as these all sound, women are spending money on them!

Watch the video to see the top 10 crazy weird products that women are actually spending money on!

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