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Video: He Tried Make Up For A Week And Now He Thinks He's A Hero 2

Video: He Tried Make Up For A Week And Now He Thinks He's A Hero 3

Live blogs over the span of a week have become the new trend. People try new things and they document every day how they felt and what they did. From taking a cold shower to not washing their hair, people seem to love trying these new trends.

Well, this guy jumped on the bandwagon and decided he would poke some fun at the women this time by wearing make up every day for one week. Women can unite on the fact that makeup definitely takes up a lot of our time and its not always ideal even though it is fun sometimes. But this guy went full on orange face paint, whiskers, the whole 9 yards. Aside from pissing off the women at work and creeping out the guys, it was pulled off relatively smoothly.

The countless stares and rolling eyes of women everywhere but at least he understands the effort that women put in on a day to day basis right?

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