Home / Entertainment / Sexy / Video: Doctors Answer The Most Googled Sex-related Questions


When it comes to sex, and all the body parts that come with it, a lot of people feel a bit awkward about going to a doctor when they need to figure something out.

You see, intercourse is way more complicated than it looks like in the movies. So, when your sexual experience, or your own body, doesn't appear to be just like it is in the movies (blue or otherwise for that matter) – people freak out.

Instead of going to a doctor to get the most... um... hands-on, practical and professional opinion about their problem – they Google it. 

Makes you wonder what people did when Google wasn't around, doesn't it? 

So, guys and girls, it's time to get the professional truth. If you've ever Googled these questions – and probably gotten some off-base answer from a random Q&A – here's all you need to know... 

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