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Every parent has to come up with ideas on the go when it comes to raising their children. There are so many techniques and parenting help books out there but, the truth is, all children are different. And that means you have to make up your own techniques for each one individually!

Parents have to find a way to get you to go to bed, eat your vegetables, behave yourself and clean up your room – and way more! 

Usually, telling your children straight up to just do one of those ends up in the child rebelling, throwing a tantrum and REFUSING to ever eat another vegetable again.

You don't want that.

So you come up with methods of basically tricking your children into thinking that the chore will benefit them, or that it was their idea the whole time!

We all have funny stories about how our parents got us to do things when we were growing up, or how they handled us in unique and quirky ways.

Like when your mom tells you that if you swallow chewing gum, it will make a sticky web in your tummy and you will never be able to poop again. 

Yup. That happened.

Watch this hilarious animation about parent stories!

What funny parent stories do you have?

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