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A few makeup companies have been trying out different methods of making mascara and other makeup products "sex-proof" – something that is actually quite an excellent idea.

We already have waterproof mascara, which we mainly wear at a wedding or an event where we think we might cry.

But this is even better – sex-proof mascara!

All girls have had the problem of dressing up to look sexy for their partners, spending hours making your face look like a work of art and then, once the job is done, you look in the mirror only to see what looks like a racoon. 

I mean, sure, the sexy part is over. But we still want to look good after the deed is done, lying in bed next to our lover and still looking fabulous. 

But it rarely turns out that way, because you usually end up with a sheet around you and dark circles around your eyes – basically looking like you dressed up like a ghost for Halloween. 

That's not sexy at all.

But we might just have a solution here! This guy tests it out. He can't exactly pause the YouTube video and find a random on the street to screw quickly, so instead, he tests it out by doing some hectic cardio in his garden and seeing if the mascara will resist running with the sweat.

Does this brand work??

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