Home / Entertainment / Funny / Video: The Peanut Butter Spreading, Bread Massacre–ing Robot


Video: The Peanut Butter Spreading, Bread Massacre–ing Robot 2

Video: The Peanut Butter Spreading, Bread Massacre–ing Robot 3

The previous video just scratched the surface of Simone Giertz' shitty robots. This one focuses in on one particular shitty robot that literally just made a lot of mess.

This robot is totally relatable because we have all experienced a time when we are hungry but at the same time way too lazy to actually make food. This robot is supposed to help by making you a peanut butter sandwich and spreading the actual peanut butter.
Well, that's if it actually worked... this is all about shitty robots, which means peanut butter was spread everywhere BUT the actual bread – the bread went flying and even the plate landed on the floor.

So, basically, all that was left was a house smelling of peanut butter and half peanut buttered\massacred bread all over the floor.

Although completely useless, it is pretty fun to watch them try. Gold star for participation, Simone Giertz!

Check it out in action below!

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