When you grow up with siblings, it can be a pretty unique experience. When you're the baby of the family, it's a little more different. And when you grow up with older sisters? Well, that's an entirely different experience on its own.
Growing up with an older sister can be amazing, challenging, heartwarming and outright frustrating. Because your sister is your first best friend, but also your first arch rival!
So, if you're someone who grew up with an older sister, there a few moments – both frustrating and special – that you totally understand. And although each relationship between sisters is different, there are a few things that are usually a common denominator throughout all sister relationships.
This includes things like stealing each other's clothes, comparing yourselves to each other, trying your best to be mom's favourite, and bossing your first arch rival around.
But it also includes loving each other unconditionally, supporting each other's dreams and always looking out for your first best friend.
So, if you grew up with an older sister, watch this video!
Is there any other experiences you can add??