Home / Funny / Animals / Adorable Seal Cannot Stop Snuggling His Favourite Mini Seal Toy


It is no secret that one of the most most viewed and liked content out there is definitely all adorable animals. There is recently an adorable seal who has stole the internet's heart. One most adorable things we've seen in a while is this rescued earless seal hugging a mini version of himself. A delighted seal lives at the Okhotsk Tokkari Centre in  Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, and staff gave him a stuffed animal made in his likeness as a present. The staff  never  expected  how much a hand-raised seal would bring to its new friend after being rescued from an injury. Hugs abound as he happily hugged his mini-me and even rolled him onto his back!

Adorable Seal Cannot Stop Snuggling His Favourite Mini Seal Toy 2
The centre, the only marine conservation institute in Japan, specialises in protecting earless seals. In fact, Tokkari is an Ainu word for an earless seal.  Knowing  this love story was too sweet not to share, the centre posted the photos to Twitter. And the public seemed to agree, sharing the tweet over 26,000 times.

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