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When the thought of opening a bookstore came to Stacy Gould and her family, they thought long and hard about the logistics of it all. But since her kids and her husband are gone all day at school and work, she knew that this was going to be in her hands. But she is not completely alone. She will be accompanied by the family dog, Ruby.

Ruby does not only mean the world to her beloved family, but she’s also the friendliest, sweetest dog who always loves to meet new people. Knowing that, the plan to open bookstore became more attractive. And Ruby will definitely enjoy each day where people could come in to say hi every day.

In a lot of ways, the store in a way would be hers, that’s how Ruby’s Books was born. “Ruby would have to come with me every day to the store, so we thought, ‘Why don't we name the store after Ruby?’” 

Family Dog Made Manager Of Her ‘Own’ Bookstore 2

With the huge role Ruby plays, her family thought it best to make her ‘co--owner’, ‘manager’ and the official friendly greeter of Ruby’s Books visitors. And don’t be mistaken, this pup takes her job very seriously. Since the store opened about a year and a half ago, Ruby and her bookstore have become a crucial part of the community.

“The customers love Ruby and she has become quite the staple here on Sutter Street. We often joke that the people come for the books but stay for the dog!”

For Ruby’s family it is still important that the hard working pup maintain a good work-life balance. To maintain that, she doesn’t go to the store every single day and also have her much needed rest days. She works Monday through Friday and spends the weekends at home with her family. And just as much as she enjoys spreading love and joy, she also loves spending every moment with her family. 

“Her duties include greeting each customer at the door, rolling over for endless belly rubs, sniffing out treats within pockets of our customers, mopping the floor with her very fluffy tail and reading (well she pretends to) alongside the kiddos in our children's section.”

Ruby loves having people coming to visit her and enjoying a good read, and her family couldn’t be more proud of the joy and happiness she bring to people especially during this hard times.

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