Home / Funny / Funny / Mother Left Mortified After Toddler Sends Her Nude Photo To Contacts


Mother, Emily Schmitt, was left mortified after her two-year old daughter accidentally sent a photo of her mother in her birthday suit to her contacts on Snapchat.

The mother-of-four was busy getting ready and had been blow-drying her hair when she gave her cellphone to her daughter, Carsyn.

When the mom wasn’t looking, Carsyn managed to take a photo of her naked mom and then accidentally sent the photo to her friends, clients and co-workers on Snapchat. Emily didn’t realise what her daughter has done until one of her female co-worker sent her a message which said "Thanks for the nude", which left her in distress.

After realising what happened, Emily sent out an apology to each of her contacts, explaining what had happened. At least not every contact received the same photo as some of her contacts responded to say they only received a photo of the toddler’s foot and another picture of the ceiling.

"I was mortified. I literally think I died for a minute then came back to life so I could tell people what happened. It’s so funny – this child of mine is wild. We just say she’s feral, she cannot be tamed."

She added that; "It’s people I don’t talk to all the time. I was like, 'Oh, there’s the guy I went to college with who had a crush on me' and, 'Oh, there’s a past client of mine.'"

When she returned to the real estate brokerage where she works alongside her father and brother, her co-workers couldn’t let the embarrassing photo go and began calling her the "company porn star" to try and lighten the mood.

Luckily, Emily’s husband had a good attitude and reaction towards the incident. When she phoned him and explained what her daughter had done, he simply burst out laughing and added that he was disappointed their little girl didn’t send the photo to him, too.

In order to warn fellow parents, Emily opened up on social media about what happened. She warned parents that they should be careful when handing off their phone to their children. She added that children should be monitored by parents when on technology, and said that in her case, she’ll be more careful when her kids have her phone to avoid similar embarrassing situations in the future!

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