Home / Funny / Viral / Roger Federer Surprises Italian Rooftop Tennis Playing Girls


Remember the two girls who went viral after they played tennis on their rooftops in the town of Finale Ligure during Italy’s lockdown?

Well, they’re were in for the surprise of their lives when their hero, Roger Federer, showed up to not only surprise them, but also hit a few balls with them.

Thirteen-year-old Vittoria Oliveri and 11-year-old Carola Pessina were under the impression that it’s just another media interview – something they’ve gotten used to since their video was viewed more than 12 million times.

When asked who her hero was, Oliveri said it is 38-year-old Federer, and that’s exactly when the Swiss tennis superstar made his appearance.

Roger Federer Surprises Italian Rooftop Tennis Playing Girls 2

The Daily Mail reports that the two girls were overwhelmed and didn’t think it was actually him.

"I nearly fainted. I didn’t think he was real, I thought it was a mannequin," said Oliveri.

When he heard about the two school girls who kept on practicing even during lockdown, he was determined to meet them. He flew in on a private jet to hit a few balls with them.

Federer joined the girls for an hour-long session, now known as The Rooftop Match, and then enjoyed lunch with them afterwards.

As part of a surprise for the two girls after he met them, Federer invited them to join Rafael Nadal’s tennis school in Mallorca.

Roger Federer Surprises Italian Rooftop Tennis Playing Girls 3

Watch the Barilla video below of The Rooftop Match with Roger Federer.

Image credits: Grand Slam Tennis Online; The Times; and The Sun.

Video credit: AFP

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