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Video: A Funeral For Your Youth Is The New Birthday Party 2

Video: A Funeral For Your Youth Is The New Birthday Party 3

Video: A Funeral For Your Youth Is The New Birthday Party 4

As we age, everyone gets a little sensitive about having the years ticking over. The big 3–0 is one of the many symbols that your days of being called a "spring chicken" are over. Most people have a massive celebration, champagne flowing, surrounded by friends and family to commemorate the coming of age... but this girl tackled it a little differently.

Mila Blatova from Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, decided to have a funeral for her youth and yes, everyone dressed in black while she grieved the end of her youthful years. She explains her idea saying: "My idea came from not wanting to leave my 20’s and acknowledge that I’m now ‘old,’ Mila told UNILAD. “It was meant to be a funny way of accepting a new chapter in my life, the extreme drama in my photo was me channelling Kris Jenner in a meme I saw of her. I was looking for a dark twist on being boujee and super dramatic on my birthday. She still vows to "having new adventures, travelling, taking care of my two little boys, and whatever else my life brings me.”

Her aim was to stick out from the crowd and not let the stigma of turning 30 hold her back from living her lif, she even advises others to “make the most of it and don’t be afraid of still having fun regardless of your age.”

There was a mixed bag of reactions from the public with a lot of people insinuating that she is being dramatic and that her life won't stop at 30 but a lot of people got a good laugh out of it!

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