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Video: Celebrities That Failed So Hard You Will Cringe For Them! 2

Video: Celebrities That Failed So Hard You Will Cringe For Them! 3

Video: Celebrities That Failed So Hard You Will Cringe For Them! 4

Sometimes things just go wrong and, usually, there's very little you can do about it. But don't feel bad... whatever you messed up cannot be as bad as these celebs who will probably never recover. But what is a fail if we can't laugh at it, right?

Since Katy Perry is coming to SA, we just had to poke a bit of fun at her since she so gracefully admitted to the mistake. Let's be fair though, we all exaggerate a little when we say we can do certain things and we feel like this Katy Perry moment is a visual depiction of what happens when you lie on your CV... yikes.

I mean, we kinda feel sorry for the celebs that bailed on stage but... I mean, it's still a little funny. Props to Queen Beyonce for keeping the show going despite having her hair ripped up by a fan... the definition of "the show must go on".
As for Justin Bieber... no words... seriously...

Go on... have a giggle

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