Home / Entertainment / Wtf / Video: Actual Things White People Have Said To People Of Other Races


Sometimes people can be TOTALLY racist without even realizing it. But, sometimes, it can be HILARIOUS how oblivious they are! 

I mean, do you remember Mean Girls? "If you're from Africa... why are you white"?

It's a common thing, and you can't always blame a white guy for not knowing. 

But seriously? Just because I'm Indian, that does not mean I know every other Indian you know.

Just because I share the same surname as some other African you know, that does NOT mean we are related. Dude. Your white ass surname is Smith. I could relate you to like... EVERYONE.

Luckily, this girl has LOTS of white friends and has never been too offended by the ridiculous things white people have actually said to her. No hard feelings – she finds it hilarious!

Watch the video to see what white folks have ACTUALLY said to her!

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