Home / Entertainment / Animals / Video: Animal Water Nopes!


Animals either love or hate water. Some dogs will even dive head first into the water without a second thought. But of course, cats just can stand it. Being curious creatures can sometimes get them into trouble, flailing around in the water to try to get out. And, there is always that moment of panic when your pet first lands in the water but, most of the time, they got this!

Also, one must always be careful when walking in murky water because there is always the "AAAAH SOMETHING TOUCHED MY FOOT" reaction, no matter how big the animal. Sometimes a dog goes: "Nope, no water today" and the human goes face first into the water.

Put any fail into slow motion, human or animal, and it's always funnier.

Do your doggos love water? Have you ever caught your pets mid–water fail? Let us know in the comments below. In the meantime, watch and laugh!

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