Some people just manage to ooze coordination and sporting prowess but for the rest of us, just trying not to fall on our face is hard enough.
This video presents you with some of the best sporting/exercise fails that will have you laughing out loud in no time. We have all seen those people at the gym that try to record themselves doing overly complicated moves just to get likes on Instagram. What they don't post though, is the many uncoordinated, cringe-worthy attempts before-hand that will have people dialing 911.
Most of the time, it's only your pride that gets the bruising but sometimes pants and even wigs go flying. This is actual proof that "cardio is hardio", yo. I think the moral of the story here is that exercise is deadly. I'll just be extra safe sitting here on couch thanks!
Let us know in the comments below if you've had a funny excersie fail. Go on, nobody will laugh... out loud!