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Video: Jenner Sister's Face Lawsuits Over Their Fashion Line 2

Video: Jenner Sister's Face Lawsuits Over Their Fashion Line 3

Video: Jenner Sister's Face Lawsuits Over Their Fashion Line 4

Photographer Michael Miller decided to take Kylie and Kendall Jenner to court. He saw that the two had used his picture of Tupac on a t-shirt that was part of the vintage t-shirt collection they released for their fashion line. They have recently come to a settlement agreement but the fashion collection stirred more trouble when Notorious B.I.G.'s estate filed suit after the Jenner sisters used the late rapper's image in their collection. His estate's lawyer Julian K. Petty told TMZ last year: "This is misappropriation at its finest. I’m curious to hear the justification. I’m even more curious to hear the proposed resolution."

Biggie's mother, Violette Wallace, took to Instagram to express her disbelief saying: "I am not sure who told @kyliejenner and @kendalljenner that they had the right to do this. The disrespect of these girls to not even reach out to me or anyone connected to the estate baffles me. I have no idea why they feel they can exploit the deaths of 2pac and my Son Christopher to sell a t-shirt. This is disrespectful, disgusting, and exploitation at its worst!!!"

The Jenner's immediately released a statement of apology saying: "These designs were not well thought out and we deeply apologize to anyone that has been upset and/or offended, especially to the families of the artists. We are huge fans of their music and it was not our intention to disrespect these cultural icons in any way. The tee shirts have been pulled from retail and all images have been removed. We will use this as an opportunity to learn from these mistakes and again, we are very sorry."

It seems that the girls are walking on thin ice with their attempted fashion statement, not to mention they had them priced at a whopping $125 each.

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