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Video: J.k. Rowling Is The Inspiration You Need To Never Give Up! 2

Video: J.k. Rowling Is The Inspiration You Need To Never Give Up! 3

Some days jumping out of bed with energy, enthusiasm and making the most of life seems like the easiest thing ever but other days simply getting dressed seems like an impossible task – evenEminem's "lose yourself" can't seem to get you inspired to slay the day. We all need a source of inspiration.

But many successful people have admitted to having many days like this, including J.K. Rowling. Yes, even Rowling struggled and contemplated giving up but her story can inspire anyone to keep their head up.

Rowling's books have been translated into 73 languages, sold millions of copies and accumulated over $20 billion through movie adaptations and sponsorships but it hasn't always been a seamless source of success and inspiration. Even the beginning of her writing career proved to be impossible as she starting building on the idea of Harry Potter, her writing was brought to a halt after the sudden death of her mother. The shock and devastation sent Rowling into a depressive state, finding herself unable to think straight. She veered off course for a while, looking for a bit of her own inspiration and motivation and took a job teaching English in Portugal for a year. She was hoping that travelling would clear her head and give her an opportunity to work on her writing and even aimed to finish the first of the Harry Potter series by the end of that year.

Once again, she was sidetracked when she met who she thought was the love of her life. She even got married and fell pregnant but the whirlwind love story ended in divorce after 13 months and Rowling was forced to come back from Portugal, broke, with no job and an extra mouth to feed. She was forced to become a single mother, living alone off of her unemployment welfare.

Most people would have given up and retreated to find a stable job with regular pay but she decided to forge on and continued to work on her book in cafés while her daughter was asleep. Even through all the struggles and pain, Rowling still found peace in her writing and threw herself into it to find a little spot of happiness.

After finally completing the first three chapters of the book, she began sending it to publishers but all she received in return were rejection letters. She recalled the time when all she got was rejection and said, “Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.”

12 rejection letters later and comments like “It is too difficult for children, “It is too long”, “Children would not be interested in it”, her book finally reached Bloomsbury Publishing Company. The editor's 8 year old daughter fell in love with the story and Rowling's book was finally published thanks to that little girl! Even though the company agreed to publish the book, they told her that she should still get a full-time job as she wouldn't earn much money writing children's books. But boy did the editor eat his words after Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was published...

She became the best-selling author of all time and her books have earned over $400 million in book sales, the last movie alone earned $476 million dollars in ticket sales on opening weekend. She was the first female to become a billionaire author which is no small feat for an author. Now she is a billion dollars richer, stronger and fearless in the face of rejection.

Rowling is an inspiration who goes to show that even rejection shouldn't stop you from reaching for your dreams and breaking a few records. But success also doesn't come overnight and requires hard work and dedication (sometimes even rock bottom and 5 more years after that).

Rowling sums it up perfectly herself, “It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”


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