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A Capella Science brings you... musical chemistry. Everybody loves a bit of Ed Sheeran but this guy has all the moves! If you find learning chemistry absolutely soul sucking, this melodic man-teacher has your back, you'll be singing about protons in no time.

The science master’s student said his motivation behind his creativity is to “get people more interested in science or to get scientists more interested in indulging their creative side. I think people often try too hard to be just one thing – a musician, a doctor, an artist, a physicist – at the expense of the other facets of their personality. Maybe that’s why people love this kind of mash-up between worlds, the scientific and the musical. I know that’s how I feel about the physics professors’ Redshift Blues Band. It’s awesome because you didn’t expect it, but why not? People aren’t machines built for a single task”.

We aren’t so sure whether his singing or chemistry is better but he’s got us singing along!

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