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Video: The Coolest Things You Wouldn't Believe If It Wasn't On Camera! 2

Video: The Coolest Things You Wouldn't Believe If It Wasn't On Camera! 3

Video: The Coolest Things You Wouldn't Believe If It Wasn't On Camera! 4

Video: The Coolest Things You Wouldn't Believe If It Wasn't On Camera! 5

Video: The Coolest Things You Wouldn't Believe If It Wasn't On Camera! 6

Friday might be the "Funday" but why can't we enjoy a good start to the week too? We thought we would give you some awesome videos to watch that will get you laughing and gasping. Some are a result of pure talent and skill while others are simply amazing coincidences. Where else would you see a man catch a massive fish with only a sword and his bare hands if not for the internet?

Imagine you were walking with your buddy and were headed towards an elevator. The people on the elevator were not going to hold it for you, so the doors started to close. Your buddy takes his empty Gatorade bottle and tosses it at the elevator. It sticks perfectly between the two doors, so they pause and then open right back up. You then stroll on the elevator like nothing special happened (obviously you're freaking out in your head because that was smooth as hell).

Have you witnessed any of these incredible and almost unbelievable moments? Let us know in the comments below.

Happy Monday!

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