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Video: The Roommates From Hell! 2

Video: The Roommates From Hell! 3

Video: The Roommates From Hell! 4

Living with another person can be really difficult. You are both set in your ways and like to do things your way. I mean, imagine coming home to the leftovers you've been thinking about all day being eaten by your roommate. Is there anything more infuriating. But wait! there is! These people decided to share their roommate horror stories and they are truly sickening.

  1. Came home from work early and found him in just his tighty-whities and motorcycle helmet playing a racing game.

  2. She had this cup full of...liquid...by her bed. There's no better way to describe it really.
    She kept her toothbrush in it, bristles down in the liquid and when it came to teeth brushing time, she'd basically just take the toothbrush out, brush her teeth, spit into the cup and shove her toothbrush back into her cup.

  3. I had a roommate in college who had a thing for making love to very, very large women. He had a room on the ground floor off of living room where we would all hang out. He was too embarrassed to admit his preferences in women, so he would force his hook-ups to exit through his window.
    Only the problem is our house was L-shaped, and his window was visible from the living room. So, on numerous occasions, we got to watch large women fall out of his window.

  4. She would sometimes go out to do lord knows what and then come in late at night. It would be well after midnight, sometimes 2 or 3 in the morning, and I would be in bed asleep already. But she would always wake me up because she was so damn loud coming in. She would come in, flip the lights on, and whisper my name a couple times to see if I would respond. I wouldn't – I would pretend to be asleep because I didn't really like her or want to talk to her, especially that late at night.
    As soon as she thought I was asleep, she would let it rip. I'm talking loud, long farts. It was really hard not to laugh.

  5. I walked in on my roommate's girlfriend shaving his ass for him. That image is etched in my mind forever.

  6. This one wasn't so much "caught", but I came home from work one night to find my roommates (two guys and a girl) sitting on the floor of our living room facing the front door, lights off, wearing hoodies with the hoods up, lit by apple scented candles, chanting "Criss. Cross. Apple. Sauce."

  7. I came out around 1 am to go to the bathroom and heard a weird rustling in the kitchen. I turned the corner and found my roommate sleeping in our sink.

Do you have a terrible roommate? Let us know in the comments below!

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