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What would you do if the Slender Man kidnapped your best friend? Would you risk your sanity to look for her?

The new Slender Man movie has been banned in Sturtevant as well as Milwaukee and Waukesha counties due to the close proximity of where the actual Slender Man stabbings occurred. Marcus Theatres released a statement saying “Like many people across the United States, Marcus Theatres was deeply concerned and saddened when the Slender Man phenomenon touched southeastern Wisconsin in such a profound way, changing the lives of many families forever.”

The true crime story was covered in the documentary, Beware the Slender Man, but the horror adaptation takes a different angle, adapting the character literally, as a wicked force that can be summoned with a ritual that's basically The Ring by way of a slumber party game.

Instead of the classic Ouija board scenario, three friends turn to the internet to feed their curiosity on the legend of Slender Man. They manage to stumble upon a website that summons the Slender Man during a sleepover in which the girls tell their parents, “We're going to drink vodka and meet guys on the internet”. Soon, the friends are disappearing, one by one, and the girls are haunted by monstrous visions of him, a tall, faceless man in a black suit. So, not unlike any other scary movie although we have to admit that the visions are pretty frightening.

The storyline is a pretty classic supernatural story but the scary part is that this movie is based on real events. A recent real-life attempted murder case in which two preteen girls, inspired by Slender Man fiction, stabbed a classmate because they became so fixated on the story of Slender Man. Slender Man is actually a character created in a 2009 Photoshop contest by Victor Surge, and crowd-sourced stories and viral videos hunting for Slender Man have spurred on the story.

In the movie, Slender Man, we don't know anything about him, his background story, or what to fear. All we know is he likes prowling in the woods and strangling young girls with his long, treelike fingers.

Although the storyline seems a bit weak and preys on the actual story of tragedy, the scary part is the ease with which young girls can be manipulated and coerced by fake news. Although the message is wrapped in a slightly inappropriate storyline, the message still stands out!

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