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When it comes to telling your partner that he's going to be a father, you want to make the announcement special. You want to do it in a way that the reveal is an event in itself so that you can watch a huge grin come to his face, tears of joy in his eyes and an exciting embrace between two soon-to-be parents.

The same goes for telling your partner that you're (phew) not pregnant. 

So, when you see that + or – on the pregnancy test, you start to think up some creative ideas. The problem is... a reveal can be too creative. And usually, a negative result doesn't warrant such a crazy reveal.

You know how some men hide their engagement ring in their soon-to-be fiance's cake when they propose?

That's sweet – even though, in our opinion, seeing your ring for the first time shouldn't include having to wipe pieces of chocolate off of it. 

But putting your pregnancy test into your man's food? That's not sweet. That's just disturbing. 

Phew, baby... We're not pregnant! Check your pee-infused spaghetti for the evidence!

Doesn't sound quite right does it... 

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