Home / Entertainment / Animals / Video: There May Be More Inside Your Scrambled Eggs Than You Bargained For


What comes first... the chicken or the egg? We don't really think about it when we eat eggs but there was once the potential for a little fluffy chick to be in there (probably because its a pretty unsettling thought as you eat your egg – really, who wants to eat the flesh of the unborn?).

If just the thought puts you off then this one is not for you! A guy bought a dozen quail eggs from a regular convenience store, put them in an incubator and actually managed to get one of them to hatch! Now, supermarket eggs are not supposed to be fertilised but these ones failed the test and 19 days later a little chick popped out.

How could this happen when thousands of eggs are sold without a problem every day? That’s because most of the eggs we buy in the grocery store aren’t fertilised unless they say otherwise on the packaging. Hens still lay eggs but a rooster is needed to actually fertilise them so they're usually kept apart.

But, some free-range farms might have one or two roosters pens too and, well, where there's a will there's a way and an intrepid rooster could manage to fertilise eggs.

While the thought is pretty uncomfortable, the ending of the story is pretty cute...

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