Home / Funny / Viral / What Your Coffee Preparation Says About You – According To This Funny Comic


A musician and illustrator named Tommy Siegel has creatively described his many theories on what your coffee preparation method says about you. 

Siegel is entertaining his online fans with his ongoing series of funny comics for Instagram. In some of the comics, he has put together a cheat sheet of the different devices and tools we use to make our morning cup of coffee. However, the artist's humorous side definitely shines through in his comics. Each approach is coupled with Siegel's humourous commentary, which might make you think twice about how you make your coffee.

In his funny comics, Siegel offers some lighthearted ribbing to the different coffee methods and considers how artisanal they are, which typically results in a better brew. 

One illustration suggests certain people are "not really into abstract art". These people usually use the most conventional method, the drip machine, to make their coffee. 

However, Siegel definitely does not give all the honours to the more bespoke approaches of making coffee. Adding, "You believe vinyl is always higher quality despite conflicting evidence."

Just because the prep is fancier doesn't make it better – unless you use a coffee pod machine.

His coffee comic is only one of the many cartoons Siegel created to poke fun at everyday life. A little more than a year ago, Siegel started his project to draw a daily cartoon. To date, he has illustrated more than 500 funny comics. 

Here are more of his amusing illustrations of people in everyday life.

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