Home / Funny / Animals / Woman Captures Close-Up Photos Of Diverse Birds In Her Backyard With Homemade Bird Feeder Cam


After moving to the U.S, the former German citizen Lisa (aka Ostdrossel) was fascinated by the diverse range of birds in her area. Intrigued by the different colour and interesting birds who frequently visit her garden, she decided to set up a homemade feeder camera that is hidden within a weatherproof box. 

“I have always been fascinated with birds but it only became more of a hobby after I moved to the U.S. I saw cardinals and goldfinches and blue jays, and on top of that hummingbirds, and they all felt so much more colorful than the birds I knew from city life in Germany.”

Woman Captures Close-Up Photos Of Diverse Birds In Her Backyard With Homemade Bird Feeder Cam 2

At first Lisa originally began her photography hobby by sharing photos she took of the amazing colourful birds in her garden with her family. As time went by, she fell more in love with the art of bird photography and began experimenting with different camera setups which allowed her to get some amazing close-up photos of the feathery friends. 

Her current feeder cam setup allowed Lisa to photograph all kinds of garden critters while they feast on tasty bird feed. Along with her feeder cam, Lisa also uses Birdsy Cam for capturing videos. The system uses artificial intelligence to recognise bird and wildlife species while recording them 24/7.

Woman Captures Close-Up Photos Of Diverse Birds In Her Backyard With Homemade Bird Feeder Cam 3

“It is all still evolving, I am constantly looking and researching how to improve things or try something different. And seeing how happy my photos and videos make people is a big part of the fun of it.” 

Its amazing to see the variety of bird species coming to feed on some snacks left out by Lisa. From grackles collecting seeds and nuts to goldfinches socially gathering for a snack, Lisa has seen it all including some curious squirrels making their stop at the feeder.

Here is some more interesting snaps of the gorgeous birds. 

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