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Meet the adorable blind western screech owl named Zeus. Even though Zeus can't see like his other owl friend, he does have  beautiful and unique eyes a person has never seen before. His eyes are like windows  to another galaxy full of stars.

Zeus was found lying on the porch one morning after crashing into a house wall because she couldn't see where she was flying.

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After a visit to the vet, the star-eyed bird was taken to the Wildlife Research Center in Sylmar, California for care. There the beautiful owl was given the name “Zeus” in honour of the Greek god of sky and thunder because of his unusual eyes speckled with gold, imbued with the beauty of the cosmos. 

However, sadly due to his blindness, Zeus cannot be released back into the wild. But he now lives his days happily on a perch in a filing cabinet next to the desk of Wildlife Education Center founder Paul Hahn. The tiny owl spends her days living a peaceful life and helping educate the public about wildlife.
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