Home / Funny / Animals / Adorable Tiny Pet Owl Uses Tiny Mushroom For Shelter During Sudden Rainstorm


Photographer Tanja Brandt‘s adorable pet owl named Poldi certainly knows how to strike a pose even during a surprising rainstorm. 

During one of Brandt’s many outdoor adventure shoots, it began to drizzle and the adorable 1.5-year-old Poldi took cover underneath an orange mushroom. What makes it even more adorable is that little Poldi is just as small as a little mushroom, and yes off course his mother was ready with her camera to capture this adorably candid moment. 

Adorable Tiny Pet Owl Uses Tiny Mushroom For Shelter During Sudden Rainstorm 2

“I got him when he was five months old. He didn't want to come out [of] his egg and he was very small, the smallest. His six sisters were all hatched, and as he was the last to be born, days after the others, he was very small.”

The joyful Poldi has always been very photogenic and loves attention, but what can you expect from a brother with six sisters, a Harris Hawk named Phnix, a Weissgesichtseule [white-faced owl] named Gandalf, a snow owl named Uschi, and a dog who loves to cuddle up with Poldi. Clearly Brandt is an animal lover which makes her photographer skills and photos even more special.

Adorable Tiny Pet Owl Uses Tiny Mushroom For Shelter During Sudden Rainstorm 3

“I am always outside with my camera and with my animals. So we get to walk together, have fun, go on adventures, have little breaks… We take some pictures and after the animals can play again as we keep going. I know my animals very well and I can see their state of mind. If I go out with just one of my animals, the others get antsy and want to be with us. We have lot of fun together. I love the beauty, power, loyalty, courage and friendship of animals. Many people could learn from them.”

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