Home / Funny / Viral / Artist Mash-Up Photos And Merge Animals With Food In a Creative Way


From a zebra mixed with a stack of Oreos to a fox with a loaf of bread for a body, photo manipulation artist Ronald Ong can do it all. Ong has the skill to create surreal image mashups that cleverly merge animals with food and some with other unexpected items.

Artist Mash-Up Photos And Merge Animals With Food In a Creative Way 2

Ong’s unique portfolio of real animal hybrids which he cuts and splice together with items look like they’re straight out of a delicious dream. The items he combines with the animals look like they are actually part of the creatures’ bodies. 

In one of his adorable photos he merges a cute round-bodied hedgehog with a fluffy dandelion. In his series of photos he creates hybrid critter that could easily be imagined living in an alternate world. In another photo of a gorgeous tiger, Ong swapped out his belly for sliced oranges which fits perfectly and creating the illusion that the animal’s body are made from the sweet fruit.

Artist Mash-Up Photos And Merge Animals With Food In a Creative Way 3

No matter what combination of animal and object is thrown at Ong, his series of unique and amazing photo clearly showcases the talented artist’s playful imagination and eye for texture and colour.

See some more amazing merges down below. 

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