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One day, while Dana Bryce and his fiancée were enjoying their time outside on their deck, they suddenly heard some crows causing a commotion nearby. Going closer to find out what the commotion is about, the couple found a tiny baby crow lying on the ground. The baby crow was still too little to be on its own. The couple immediately ran through their options and came to decided to take him in and nurse him back to health. Bryce explained, “We kept him warm in a bin with some newspaper and grass with water and fed him every half hour."

Crow Visits Family Who Saved Him Every Day For Some Cuddles 2

After the little crow, who they have named Oscar, was healthy again, he seemed to be ready to be returned to the wild. The couple felt safe releasing him as his mom and siblings were also spotted nearby. Even though he was healed up and back with his family, the couple still missed him. A day and a half later, they had a really good surprise. 

WATCH THE CUTE VIDEO OF THE LITTLE BIRD COMING TO SURPRISE THE COUPLE: https://www.tiktok.com/@danabryce/video/7112221809885433093

Crow Visits Family Who Saved Him Every Day For Some Cuddles 3

While the couple was out on their deck, Oscar suddenly came flying in down from the trees, super excited to see his rescuers again. Now, Oscar makes sure to drop by on almost a daily basis. “He stays on the deck and in the trees and visits all day long,” Bryce said, adding, “He likes to hop around and land on us and goes for walks when we go with our daughter. He's very assertive and vocal. He's curious and likes to come in the house and hang out on the window sills.”

Watch Oscar asking for some pets and cuddles: https://www.tiktok.com/@danabryce/video/7112758071415360773

“He's very friendly with our cat, as she is with him. He landed on her outside once, and she just lays down and doesn't mind at all!”

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