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You probably have heard the saying that a change is as good as a holiday or that happiness is a new haircut. And some might find that to be true. Who doesn’t love a nice change to spice things up. During lockdown, millions of people turned to their own skills and believes as they tried colouring their own hair at home. And yes, that definitely was one way of forgetting about the epidemic world wide.Besides changing hairstyle to get a new look and to have a change, dying your hair also bring you a totally fresher appearance. 

However with the hair salons closed during the epidemic and the rise in prices, getting your hair done is it’s quite expensive. With that many people decide to colour own hair. And as those who participated in colouring their own hair would have discovered, it is not an easy job. Many people ended up in half crying and half laughing situations.

According to the hair fails down below, if your are planning on dying your hair yourself, always remember to wear gloves, always follow the allergy test instructions, and follow the apply instructions and time instructions to the tea. This will prevent you from finding yourself in situations like the people in this post. 

Some hilariously made a huge mess while dying their hair. Apart from some who managed to cover themselves from head to toe in colour, to some having some unfortunate allergic reactions. 

 What My Hair Looked Like – What I Asked For – And How It Turned Out

Hilarious Accidents Of People Trying To Colour Their Hair 2
Bad Allergic Reaction 
Hilarious Accidents Of People Trying To Colour Their Hair 3

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