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The Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) got a surprise middle December when someone surrendered a cat. However this cat was unique in its own way as it weighed around 30 pounds.

The cute white, fluffy and very chubby cat’s name is Disco, and he has taken the size for a cat to a whole new level. When adorable Disco arrived, the shelter immediately knew that they were going to need to help him shake off a few pounds. Cody Costra, public relations and content specialist at the HSPPR explained, “Disco got to be 30 pounds because he was free-fed in his previous home, and apparently he doesn't have a lot of self-control.” 

Watch a cute video of Disco here: https://www.tiktok.com/@bcchante/video/7042826725612326149

Shocking 30-Pound Cat Dropped At Shelter 2

Despite his weight being a troubling issue, everyone could soon see that Disco was a very happy cat, and pretty much settled into his new environment right away.  “ Disco is the friendliest cat you could ever imagine. He’s a giant love bug that has been friendly to every staff member that has interacted with him, and he likes to purr for attention, lean into you for pets and give soft blinks.”

Watch an adorable video of Disco here: https://www.tiktok.com/@humanesocietypikespeak/video/7050165331297389829

Before the shelter can start the journey to find Disco’s new forever home, they first need to get him a little healthier. Disco is currently living out his days at a foster family who is helping him on this journey. When everyone at the shelter first saw Disco, they had no idea what a joy he would turn out to be. And once he is read it wouldn’t be too hard to find the kind and loving cat a new home. 

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