The animated series, The Simpsons, has been a part of our TV comedy for decades. Now, as we approach the 32nd season finale of The Simpsons, Movies Insider had put together a fascinating compilation.
The video is in honour of the designers and writers of the show. It reveals just how much the show and its iconic characters have changed over 32 seasons.
The compilation visually compares the roughly drawn Simpson family originals on The Tracey Ullman Show to the show's constantly further evolving seasons.
The Simpsons started back in 1987 as a cartoon short on the Tracy Ullman Show, a variety program on the Fox Broadcasting Company. Later, as the show grew, it expanded to half an hour and was debuted as a Christmas special on 17 December 1989. The show then began airing as a regular series in January 1990.
In 1993, the show went through a significant change as the characters were modified, along with the story. The Simpsons characters have become more careless and humorous over the years.
They are now celebrating their 700th episode, with the announcement of two more seasons. The two minds behind The Simpsons, director David Silverman and animator Al Jean of Movies Insider, also expanded more on the incredibly long-running animated series.
It's interesting to see the compilation and how the animation has evolved, from the rough-around-the-edges style of Matt Groening's early sketches to the crisp, clean digital look of the show in its 32nd season.
For many, The Simpsons is an institution, and the whacky antics of Bart, Homer, Marge, Lisa, Maggie and the extended cast of characters will be embedded in history for a very long time!