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He's a comedy genius with many talents, here are ten unscripted movie scenes with Jim Carrey that made the cut.

Jim Carrey soars well above many other comedian actors when it comes to bringing his movie personas to life. As a method actor, he stays in character regardless of what happens during filming.

Because of this quality, he can easily improvise if he misses or forgets a line during filming. And that improvisation has delivered some of the best scenes in many of his movies.

From Ace Ventura: Pet Detective to Dumb and DumberThe Truman ShowThe Mask and more, Carrey has injected improvised humour into many scenes that were so funny, the directors decided to keep them in the film.

These unscripted moments often catch his co-stars off guard, which usually leads to hilarious reactions. Even if he makes a mistake, his quick thinking and exquisite wit shine through, and his recovery is said to be better than the original script.

Carrey is often allowed to ad-lib and is given access to the writers when they're developing the script, injecting his vision for the character before filming even starts. Ultimately, he is a comedic genius, and the world of film is all the better for it.

Check out WatchMojo.com's the Top 10 Unscripted Jim Carrey Moments That Were Left in the Movie below.

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